I am new to Brazilian and Hollywood intimate bikini wax.
I am new to Brazilian and Hollywood wax intimate bikini wax.
You have come to the right place. If you are new I can help you decide where to start. Jumping into the deep end may not be your thing. If you are unsure what to book as it is your first wax I would suggest booking extended bikini line with Lycon hot wax and we will see if you would like to progress further on the day or we can just complete the extended bikini line. I will be led by you.
If you have been shaving, your roots may be stronger and it can reflect on how much you feel. The first wax is always more sensitive than 2nd and 3rd. I always say that you can take a painkillers prior to your appointment. Do not have a long and hot shower too close to your appointment but a cool shower is fine. Please refer to my other blogs about hot showers and hair length.